Irish Eyes Fundraiser Listing in Time Out Chicago
Thursday, August 14, 2008 7:00 p.m. Irish Eyes 2519 N Lincoln Ave (at Altgeld St) Lincoln Park, Chicago 773-348-9548 El: Brown,...

Printers Ball! August 22, MCA Chicago
ACM (Another Chicago Magazine) · After Hours Press · ALARM Magazine · Anti Gravity Surprise · AREA Chicago · Publications Department of...
Upcoming Reading!
Kathleen Rooney will be reading from her collaborations with Elisa Gabbert at The Book Cellar on July 24th at 7pm. Cheri Taylor, Gregg...
Women & Conceptual Poetics
This May the University of Arizona Poetry Center hosted the Conceptual Poetics Symposium: Conceptual Poetry and its Others. The...
Last weekend for Feminist Interrogations exhibit at Arc Gallery in Chicago
"Feminist Interrogations" showcases feminist art works by emerging artists that do not privilege gender, but see it in conversation with...
Shad(ow)y Ladies!
For those of you in the Chicago area, hip lit mag/broadsheet quarterly THE2NDHAND is having its release party tomorrow night at Ronny's....
Vagina Festival
While cruising the Feminist Majority Foundation website, I couldn't help but notice an event called "Vagina Festival" to be held in NYC...
Poetry Cavalcade!
Hello Loves! Please coddle and nurture me because this is my first posting to the Switchback Blog, and regardless of my general overage...
Check it out!
LADYLIKE: A PROPER TAKE ON FEMINIST ART Krista Babbitt (Chicago), Andrea Dezso (New York), Jessica Hannah (Chicago), Sally Ko (Chicago),...