Jennifer Tamayo & Mónica de la Torre read at Segue, plus more MdlT readings!
SEGUE READING SERIES Bowery Poetry Club || 308 Bowery, NYC 10012 || 212.614.0505 [see Segue calendar] JENNIFER TAMAYO & TRACEY...

Buy a Drink & Support Your Local Feminist Press!
Let Us Pour the Drinks Switchback Books invites our Chicago friends and neighbors to let us pour the drinks this Thursday night! Our...
JT hits New York, Chicago, Baton Rouge, New Orleans!
Jennifer Tamayo may be coming to a city near you! Check out her spring tour schedule for a chance to hear her read from Red Missed Aches...
Annual Belladonna* Benefit Performance and Auction
Please support our friends at Belladonna* by buying a (CHEAP!) ticket to their performance & auction: Tuesday, December 13, 2011,...
Joan Larkin Reading In NYC
Advisory board member Joan Larkin is reading on Friday, October 24th at 7:00 at The Marjorie S. Deane Little Theatre at the West Side...
Better Late Than Never: Lifting Belly High Report
On Saturday, September 13, Switchback Books hosted a Feminist Presses roundtable as part of Lifting Belly High: A Conference of Women’s...

M-Sevs to rock Series A this Wed night...
Please come to Series A this coming Wednesday for another great literary reading. September 10th, 7:00-8:00 p.m. Melissa Severin ...
Bridgeport Allstars: Saturday August 23rd 7pm
Howdy faithful readers of the Switchback blog, I hope you will all consider heading down to the southside of Chicago this Saturday to...

Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Thanks to everyone who made it out to the Switchback fundraiser on Thursday -- it was lovely seeing all of you. Special thanks to whoever...