Post-Karaoke Switchlinks
Sorry for the lack of links this morning! We at Switchback are recovering from last night's Karaoke Idol, where we came in second! Now,...

Our Classical Heritage in Video Form
Our Classical Heritage (2010) from Elle Collins on Vimeo. In 2010, Switchback approached several filmmakers and video artists and asked...

Staff Profile: Danielle Carlson
1. What do you do for Switchback? I am the Gatekeeper. Which means it's my job to make sure everything we say and do is on message and...

Friday Switchlinks
Switchback author Kathleen Rooney writes about Jack Handey's relevance to contemporary poetry for the New York Times. * The Everyday...

Gertie tells it like it is.
"I brush the air unseen. Is life disappointing? / Yes." -Cynthia Arrieu-King, "Setsuko Hara," Manifest

Friday Switchlinks
Our own Marisa Crawford, author of The Haunted House, has a new book out from Immaculate Disciples Press, entitled 8th Grade Hippie Chic....

Staff Profile: Mercy Van Marter
1. What do you do for Switchback? I organize fun things for people to do and come up with ideas to thank the people who give us...

Friday Switchlinks
Delirious Hem posts the sixth installment of the Women Publishers Roundtable (featuring editors from Switchback Books, dancing girl...

Four Ways We're Celebrating the Cruelest Month
For some people, it's National Poetry Month, NaPoWriMo, or even NaPoReMo. At Switchback, we're celebrating the cruelest month with a few...

Meet Gertie!
Introducing Gertrude Stein—Gertie for short—Switchback's official mascot and spokesdog. "My heart never fully pumps out its sorry." ...